First I’d like to show off these 2 new pics that blackmail fetish loser james meyer sent to Me. Many of you may remember this loser, the one who, after being blocked as willbro_kin and nuggets720 and frizz_citi and range_swivel, and black_rose888, and goldeneye818, made a Niteflirt screen name – **REMOVED FOR A BLACKMAIL MISTRESS TRIBUTE** – and contacts Me via NF.
He says he’s got a wife and kids now and BEGS Me to let him pay to get his phone number – which is – **REMOVED FOR A $100 BLACKMAIL MISTRESS TRIBUTE LOL!** I know several of you have told Me that you’ve called him and left hilarious messages about how he needs to pay up like a good loser. I wonder what his wife thinks? LOL
Well, being the merciful blackmail Mistress that I am I gave him another chance. I allowed him to pay $50 to have the phone number removed from My site. But then he went right back to his old tricks again, being a derogatory asshole, using childish name-calling to try to get a rise out of Me, blah blah blah, same shit different day.
He paid to get the phone number removed again, as you can see, but then he told Me how he’s becoming addicted to his blackmail Mistress – how he wants this to last as long as possible… he asked if he could send Me more pics to post on My site so here they are!

So with THAT out of the way… I’ve been watching quiet a bit of Anime since I started making My costume for Youmacon, which was a couple weekends ago. The anime I’ve been particularly enjoying is called Panty and Stocking With Garter Belt. Followers of My blog will remember that the costume I made was actually from that anime. I’ve had so many subs ask Me why I chose the character I did, so I figured that I’d write a little blog post about how awesome and totally femdom-relevent this show is.

This is the scene from the show that made Me choose to cosplay as Stocking, one of the main characters. In this scene, Panty and Stocking are trying to raise money by gambling, but when they draw a crowd of guys who like to stand and watch them play, they decide an even easier way to make money is to sell things like the feathered boa that Panty is wearing…

And the shoes that Stocking wore in. They easily reach their goal of $3 million just by selling various articles of clothing that they came in with, including stockings and shoes. Now I KNOW My boys, and I KNOW that you would be the first one in line, waving your money in the air and begging to buy My shoes and stockings. Hell, I’ve had it happen in the mall before lol!

This screencap is just a couple side characters, they don’t even have names, but their conversations make Me smile whenever I see them. they just seem so REAL to Me. Because guys, you may not realize this, but this is what happens in the Girl’s bathroom. Women sit and talk about guys, good or bad. In this case, though, it really does remind Me of how HILARIOUSLY small some of you are! Because, after all, it’s all about size…

This last screencap is from one of the last episodes in the series. It’s another reason that I chose to cosplay as Stocking – She and I totally think alike on a lot of topics, like this one LOL! Really, it’s not that hard to understand – no matter how much you pay Us, no Domme is ever really interested in watching you sit there and jerk off on cam. Seriously. Well… Unless you’re jerking with icy hot for My amusement, or being blue balled by Me lol!