Tag Archives: wallet rape

BIG Changes From your Mistress!

OMG I had such a fucking AWESOME week! I did a bunch more clips with Mandy from Mandy Loves Money earlier in the week. We did some great clips, including some sexy ass worship in jeans, and some fuzzy sock worship clips. Keep watching My blog in anticipation for them to be released!

This weekend, I borrowed foot boi don from Princess Lacey and did some great clips! I of course took him over to see Mandy Loves Money and we BOTH had a go at him! We’ve got even more hilarious clips – I’m going to have to start releasing a clip every other day instead of every week!

foot worship sissy ignore

For today, I’ve released the latest one on clips4sale – it’s a foot worship ignore session I did with don. Watch as I come home from a day of shopping, sit on the couch, and totally ignore him while he takes off My socks and shoes and worships My perfect feet! A whole 10 minute clip, just $10!

There are some REALLY old clips on My site, and even some of the new ones have made Me a bunch of money, so I’ve decied to just lower the prices on all of My clips because, really, I don’t need your fucking money lol. And for those of you who bought My fetish clips at higher prices and are feeling butthurt? FUCKING DEAL WITH IT lol!

To pay via papyal, send Me an email to dominakiara@gmail.com – DO NOT send payment to that email address – I WILL not receive it and you WILL NOT get a refund!


3 New Fetish Clips!

Got SO caught up in all the fun I was having last week that I totally forgot to blog on Thursday! Since My last blog, I’ve release three all new clips for you to drool over!

I had a fucking AWESOME time meeting Mandy from Mandy Loves Money last week. We got a pedicure together, had lunch, then went back to her place to record a bunch of clips. It was by far the most fun I’ve had in a LONG time! Two of the new clips I uploaded are of Her and I.
The first clip is Us teasing you with Our sexy shoes. We put them right up close to the camera and make you BEG for us to take them off and show you Our perfect pedicures!

The second clip with Mandy and I is an absolutely brutal CBT clip done ALL with common household items. Do you think you can handle the sadistic torture that TWO Dommes can cook up?

The last clip I uploaded is the 4th step in My financial domination addiction rehabilitation series. Steps 1 through 3 should be purchased before step 4, of course, but there have been several of you addicted puppets begging Me to release step 4.

All of My clips are available for sale via ppal and Western Union. To get tribute information for either of these payment methods, send an email to dominakiara@gmail.com – DO NOT send paypal tributes to dominakiara@gmail.com – I WILL NOT GET THEM and they WILL NOT BE REFUNDED!

you can, however, send payment for My clips via Amazon gift cards to My email.

Returning pay puppet cum slut

So as all of My well trained pets and addicted financial puppets know, it is impossible to resist My perfection. And yet some of you always seem to want to try for some reason or another. It never works, though, does it? lol!

Just this week I had 2 of My puppets contact Me who had sworn NEVER to tribute again because they were CURED. It didn’t take more than a couple days to get them to see the error of their ways lol!

Most pointedly is My nipple puppet. he even spent a bunch of money on professional therapy to kick what he thought was an addiction to Me. I convinced him of the truth – there is no addiction, because addictions can be cured. What he has is a part of his being that NEEDS to tribute Me as his one and only Goddess.

I had fun making him cum in his coffee for Me at work and he BEGGED Me to post these pictures here for you all to enjoy lol! He loves being My sissy cum slut and drinking his cum coffee at work, don’t you My puppet?

Still Sick – And Still Teasing you!

My nose blowing video from last year did SO WELL with My financial puppets and pets that I decided to add another sick & teasing clip. In case you missed the clip “Blowing My Nose on your Money” clip from last week, check out this blog post: https://mistresskiarasdungeon.com/mistressblog/?p=464

Today, I have a brand new clip for you, My poor addicted financial pets. I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, so I decided that the best thing for My sore throat was to have a popcicle. Then I started thinking about how much more enjoyable the popcicle was than a tiny little dicklet, so I decided to record a video of Me humiliating you with it while eating it xD’

sph humiliation popcicle tease clip

To purchase this 10 minute clip via ppal for a discounted price, send an email to dominakiara@gmail.com – For Amazon, send $30 to dominakiara@gmail.com Otherwise, use the links below to make your purchase.


Femdom Gallery

Mistress Kiara’s Femdom Gallery

I feel like it’s been years in the works, but My webslave has gotten everything good enough to launch My gallery! There are many pictures on there, including some never before seen! It is an interactive gallery, so make sure to rate your favorite pictures. That way I can see just exactly what drives My little lurkers crazy…

I’m going to be incorporating a forum as well, to make it even more interactive, but for now this will have to do. As always, any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to dominakiara@gmail.com