I realize that I never really give updates on My blackmail losers. They just get shuffled back into older and older posts as I do new posts about My other fetishes. Well, I don’t want them to feel like they’re off the hook – far from it! These boys are on My website and they are here to stay until they do something about it! And let Me tell you – WHINING and crying over your own fucking stupidity is not the answer.
This loser in these MANY many pictures is not following the very simple rules that go along with being My blackmail bitch. Besides the fact that he never contact Me, he thinks that I should always remember him because his pictures are on My site. I guess he doesn’t realize that he is small potatoes compared to My blackmail slaves who actually follow the rules and pay Me regularly!
So when he asks Me for favors, of COURSE I’m going to turn him down! And NOBODY who doesn’t deserve it receives mercy from this blackmail Mistress! he begs Me EVERY time he contacts Me to take down his blackmail pictures for free – what bullshit! Then he continually whines about how I never remember him. Well guess what loser? I have no problems remembering austin, wolf, or sissy nicole – they pay Me every week, on time!
That’s not to say that My other blackmail slaves are without fault, far from it in fact! Wolf is quite a whiny baby when it comes to sticking to his contract. he has, so far, paid all of his blackmail tributes, but insists on begging every time for Me to release him from his contract. First he lost his job, then his father passed away, blah blah blah. his excuses never cease! Of course, he still begs to buy a pair of “Mama’s” panties every time we talk… lol
austin tried to back out, too, of course. he was My ebay slave for a while – whatever he sold on ebay, the money went directly into My account. It was a wonderful arrangement – until he decided I was too serious for him and backed out! he didn’t like the $100 fine I sent him for reneging on our deal, and he sold a few things for Me just this evening, lol. he knows that the only way to stay in My good graces is to keep Me happy and make up for bad behavior.
The point is, I am really an understanding blackmail Mistress when I want to be. I only charge $50 for the removal of each pic if the only offense is failing to comply with the blackmail contract. And many of My blackmail slaves beg Me to keep them in My stable after the initial 4 month trial period is up. Many of My blackmail salves LOVE serving their Mistress, and those are the ones I remember. Those are the ones that I enjoy having in My stable and want to keep around.

If you want to be one of My good little blackmail sluts whose goal in life it is to keep his Mistress happy, then click the button to the right. If you have NiteFlirt, it will send a contract to your NF email (payment request so you can read without tribute).