Tag Archives: webcam domme
Awaiting Spring with Mistress Kiara
First off, sorry that this blog is so late! I usually aim to release a blog during the first week of each month, but things got a little hectic this time around. I had to take My oldest sweet kitty to the emergency vet for a very scary-looking issue involving a lot of blood in the litter box. Fortunately, it was just a bladder infection and he’s back home and fine now. But in the chaos, I completely forgot to write this blog! So without further ado, let’s get to the updates!
Mistress’ Birthday Approaches
Mark your calendars because the most important holiday of the year is coming! My Birthday is April 20th, and I will be expecting a LOT from you this year. I have had many subs slacking as of late, both real time and online. I shouldn’t have to remind you that a Goddess like Me only keeps subs around if they are actively pleasing Me. So get your lame ass over to
and buy Me a gift, or check out My recently updated tribute page and just send over some sexy cash to make Me smile!
New Month, New Look, & New Updates from Mistress Kiara!
February is here, and I am SO ready! I’ve gotten most of the little issues that have been plaguing Me squared away, and I’m raring to take on the new month, year, and season to come!
New Punky UV Reactive Hair!
I’m sure by now you all know that your Mistress LOVES doing fun things with My hair. Well, I thought it was time for a switch again, so I went with one of My favorite color combinations, blue and pink. I wanted to strut My stuff like a sexy peacock lol! But I also wanted to try a new brand which was more class conscious and didn’t test on animals. So I chose this one, which has a UV-Reactive option! I love it SO much, and I can’t WAIT for it to be safe enough to go the club and show it off!
Continue reading New Month, New Look, & New Updates from Mistress Kiara!
Welcome to 2021 With Mistress Kiara…
In case you didn’t notice, things are looking great for the coming year! In 2020, I made over 6 figures with Domination as My only source of income, and there’s no WAY I’m stopping in 2021! I know things were a bit concerning with the SISEA bill, but thanks to the ‘lame duck’ period, it has been thrown out. It’s not QUITE a victory, since they could just easily reintroduce the bill (or a similar one), but at least it’s no longer an imminent threat!
New Year, New Layout
Just a quick and easy layout change to the site which SHOULD help it look and function better on tablet and mobile devices. Be sure to let Me know if anything looks off, or if there’s anything I can do to change the site which will make it easier for you to use on your device! With so many platforms going the way of Tumblr (like Instagram has recently done), I want this website to be as useful as possible!
Communication is Key in Femdom & Fetish Play…
Happy December! I hope that you all had a very lovely socially distanced Turkey Day. I don’t have anything big to share because I was a bit under the weather in November, and it’s unfortunately hanging on into the beginning of December as well.
LoyalFans Stars 50% off Sale!
Due to My being sick, I haven’t been updating as much as I would like, so I’m running a huge sale on My LoyalFansStars! I set 12 spots for 50% off! This is the biggest sale I’ve ever run, and they’re going fast (at the time of posting this, 3 have already been claimed!) so get them while you can. Happy Yule!
Communicate With your Domme/Mistress!
So instead of My normal ‘here’s what’s been going on with Me’ blog, I’d like to address a topic that is very important to Me – communication in femdom and fetish play. This is on the forefront of my mind because, as you may have noticed, all of My NiteFlirt goodies are missing. This happened due to a sub’s inability to communicate. I won’t go into details, but basically he couldn’t express what he wanted in our femdom relationship and got angry when I didn’t provide the service exactly as he wanted it. I’m in the process of re-uploading all of My content to Niteflirt, but it is all still available on My other platforms.
…but this could have very easily have been prevented with communication.
Required Purchases

If you are familiar with My shop page, then you will see that one of the categories of content is ‘required purchases.’ I have posted so often about My continued and ever-growing success as a Domme. I have been around since 2005, 15 years at the time of writing this blog. These are ‘required’ because they help immensely with, you guessed it, communication. My Fetish Checklist gives Me an idea of your likes, dislikes, and limits, whereas the Rules and How to Approach a Goddess documents give you a better idea of how to (and NOT to) communicate with Me as your potential Domme.
Continue reading Communication is Key in Femdom & Fetish Play…