Happy December! I hope that you all had a very lovely socially distanced Turkey Day. I don’t have anything big to share because I was a bit under the weather in November, and it’s unfortunately hanging on into the beginning of December as well.
LoyalFans Stars 50% off Sale!
Due to My being sick, I haven’t been updating as much as I would like, so I’m running a huge sale on My LoyalFansStars! I set 12 spots for 50% off! This is the biggest sale I’ve ever run, and they’re going fast (at the time of posting this, 3 have already been claimed!) so get them while you can. Happy Yule!
Communicate With your Domme/Mistress!
So instead of My normal ‘here’s what’s been going on with Me’ blog, I’d like to address a topic that is very important to Me – communication in femdom and fetish play. This is on the forefront of my mind because, as you may have noticed, all of My NiteFlirt goodies are missing. This happened due to a sub’s inability to communicate. I won’t go into details, but basically he couldn’t express what he wanted in our femdom relationship and got angry when I didn’t provide the service exactly as he wanted it. I’m in the process of re-uploading all of My content to Niteflirt, but it is all still available on My other platforms.
…but this could have very easily have been prevented with communication.
Required Purchases

If you are familiar with My shop page, then you will see that one of the categories of content is ‘required purchases.’ I have posted so often about My continued and ever-growing success as a Domme. I have been around since 2005, 15 years at the time of writing this blog. These are ‘required’ because they help immensely with, you guessed it, communication. My Fetish Checklist gives Me an idea of your likes, dislikes, and limits, whereas the Rules and How to Approach a Goddess documents give you a better idea of how to (and NOT to) communicate with Me as your potential Domme.
I have had those who feel that purchasing and filling out a checklist is boring or unfeeling, robotic even. If that is how you feel, I will happily schedule a session in which we can discuss everything in all three of these documents. However, I can guarantee that it will take longer (and thus cost more) than purchasing them. I am absolutely not opposed to this means of communication, though. Just be sure to inform Me from the start that you would prefer to pay for a chat session with Me instead of purchasing the above goodies (which, btw, are all up on NF again!). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again until My face is as blue as My sexy eyebrows: Dommes are powerful, but We are not mind readers…
Every sub and Every Domme is Unique!
I feel that I shouldn’t have to say this, but perhaps some are so new that they don’t understand. Not all subs are the same. Not all Dommes are the same. In fact, many don’t like the terms Domme and sub. Some prefer other terms like Top / bottom, Goddess / worshiper, etc. That’s one of the things that I love so much about BDSM and fetish play. It allows everyone to enjoy and express themselves however they like!
Of course, since we are all unique individuals, communication is even MORE important. I speak on average to about 10-20 different subs and potentials per day, and you are all different. So how could I possibly know what exactly it is that you are seeking unless you tell Me?
Fetish Likes, Dislikes, & Limits
I put a LOT of energy into figuring out the likes and limits of My subs for this reason. If I were to assume that you are all the same, then I would be slapping, punching, and choking you out with My legs like I do to doughboy here LOL! But clearly that is simply not the case. Just as doughboy has expressed no interest in homewrecking, many have no interest in sissification or blackmail. But I can’t KNOW that until you communicate it with Me.
What do you like? What do you dislike? What are your limits? Do you enjoy having your limits pushed? If so, which ones? Do you have a safe word? A series of them (red / yellow / green for example, are quite common)? And before you say “whatever you want, Mistress,’ keep in mind that I have some pretty fucked up fantasies Myself… If every sub who came to Me saying “whatever you want, Mistress!” really meant it, I’d have a mansion, a horse, a classic GTO, and an Aston Martin! NOTHING is a bigger turn off than a sub saying “whatever you want, Mistress!” only for Me to give him My demands and have him say “wellllll…. Not THAT though…” 10 times in a row…
EVERYONE has limits when it comes to fetish play. If you don’t know yours yet, that’s fine! As long as you openly and honestly communicate that to Me, and then tell Me if and when you discover them.
What are you?
There are so many different categories when it comes to serving an online Domme, But I group most into two; subs and kinksters. It’s important for you to know which category you fall into so that you can communicate that properly to the pro femdom you are considering serving and/or sessioning with.
submissives: I see a submissive as someone who truly wishes to serve. A sub thinks of his Domme first and will often times neglect his own wants and desires for My happiness.
Kinksters: A kinkster or fetishist enjoys a specific kink or set of kinks and wants them to be indulged in a specific way. I consider most who enjoy foot fetish to be kinksters. They want to see a specific type of foot or footwear in a specific way, regardless of what I do or do not enjoy about the fetish itself.
Elephant in the Room…
I could go on and on about how important communication is in a femdom fetish relationship, but I think you get the point. Now to address the elephant in the room…
I won’t go into explicit detail (read the 40+ screen shots in the tweet thread if that’s what you want), and I hadn’t even planned to mention this on My blog. However, these people have started to come after Me with libel (which, by the way, is against the law).
The account currently is @ObnoxiousNO1 (TID >> 1226928457822744576) and they are spreading around a fake screen shot supposedly between myself and @MemberBlasts talking about how we’ve pulled the wool over everyone eye’s and WE’RE THE REAL RACISTS MUAHAHAHAHA!
TR – extreme racism and animal cruelty.
I won’t post the screen shot here, but here is a fake screen shot I made showing how easy it is to spoof and fake stuff like this.
I used the website Generate Status, but there are TONS of these tools out there. They are meant to be used for fun, memes, satire, etc. Not libel and harassment.
Regarding what was said in the screenshot, anyone who knows Me can see that this was not ME talking. But let Me break it down for those of you who don’t know Me as well.
First of all, just from a structural standpoint: I don’t talk like that unless I’m being sarcastic. Regarding what was said, I don’t honestly think anybody thinks (let alone TALKS) like that, but I personally pride Myself on My impeccable grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Also, I have been VERY open about the fact that I have ADHD, and that multiple messages all in a row is horribly distracting and hard on My brain. I have told many of My friends and all of My subs this as well, so why would I communicate like that?
Secondly, I don’t have Virgin mobile, and anyone who has seen Me post (MANY) screen shots know that that’s not what My setup looks like lol. Above is an actual screen shot of My conversation with Member Blasts (posted with their permission), showing what (little) we talked about from Wednesday until this morning.
As for the content of the fake screen shot, why would I take a screen shot of myself saying anything like this? And then why would I send that screen shot to ANYone, let alone someone involved in this mess? It just doesn’t make sense.
They are simultaneously painting Me as evil genius-level intelligent and cunning. I’ve fooled EVERYONE, according to them! Hahaha My wickedness and trickery know no bounds! But I was stupid enough to take this screen shot and send it to someone? It makes no sense. Their very argument is contradictory. It’s literally a bad Disney villain plot…
What further doesn’t make sense is the argument about the cat… If I hated My darling chonky melon so much, why would I spend hundreds and even thousands on him to make sure that he remains well? And then there’s the fact that I HAVE a black cat. Why would I forget that in a conversation with MB this week?
People will believe what they want to believe in the end. My taxes show all the money I’ve sent to BLM funds, bail funds, etc. But I refuse to remain silent when I am being harassed and falsely accused. One last thing, though… Take a close look at the phases used from the account pretending to be Me. In the end, she says “im bad,” which is remarkably similar to what @Bugaloo_69 (formerly @lilHarleyQuinn3 but the twitter ID is the same for both) said in the original screen shot I called her out for…
Left: the original (edited only to circle the phrase in question and to block out disgusting hate speech because I don’t what that on My blog.)
Center: The phrase picked out a bit so that you can read it better.
Right: The original screen shot that I posted of Harley, aka @Bugaloo_69
OK, I’m done ranting on that nonsense. But rest assured that this war is not over…
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New Pictures
That’s it for now, pets. I also updated My gallery this month with all My hot new free femdom pictures for you to worship! But remember to pay your cum tax if you make a little mess…
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Amazon wish list: http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/3C5E4AZCW0649
Follow me on Twitter: @HypnoFemdom
email: dominakiara@gmail.com
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