These Blackmail Fetish puppets Can’t Get Enough of Me!

I feel like a broken record with all of these blackmail fetishists coming to Me, but what can I say? When You’re the best blackmail Mistress on the net, it shows, and people are bound to take notice… you may think that you can resist Me, but We both know that you’re just lying to yourself.  Then there are those who think that they can squirm away from My carefully woven web. Just as wrong, but twice as hilarious LOL! Today I’m dealing with both, which just tickles Me ;3 As soon as I got back from vacation this weekend, blackmail loser james messaged Me again. you know james, by this point he’s basically the mascot on My website lol! Here are just SOME of the pictures I have of his lame ass….

blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara

blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara

 Blackmail Mistress slave

Blackmail Mistress slave

Blackmail Mistress slaveBlackmail Mistress slaveBlackmail Mistress slaveBlackmail Mistress slave

blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara

Blackmail fetish blackmail Mistress humiliating autofellatio blackmail slave
Blackmail fetish blackmail Mistress humiliating blackmail slave
Real blackmail Mistress fetish
Real blackmail Mistress fetish
Real blackmail Mistress fetish
So this is james’ game. he’s completely addicted to Me, for one.  he just can’t help himself! Every time he sees Me online, he messages Me and begs Me to write a blog about him. I never do, of course…. Unless he pays that is! It changes every time, but it’s one of a handful of things that he wants his blackmail loser spotlight blog to be about. I’ve got his phone number, which he really likes to see posted and have to pay to get removed. he goes on cam and does anything I tell him (hence the MULTITUDE of blackmail pictures I have of him!). Sometimes he likes his face shown, sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he changes his mind halfway through My writing the blog and has to pay Me AGAIN to get Me to STOP writing his blackmail fetish blog post. It’s pathetic, really… Today he doesn’t want his face shown on the front page of My blog (even though it’s already there from LAST time he paid for Me to out him as a blackmail slave), but he couldn’t afford the fee for having Me change the picture, so enjoy this dopey fucker’s face while I sit here and wait for the tributes to (continue to) roll in! LOL!
blackmail fetish loser pay pig of Mistress Kiara
Next up is douchester louise. This blackmail slave brain washed cock sucking sissy bitch has been featured in a few of My other blog posts; Busy Week for the Goddess, Summer Vacation & Free Pay Pork Apology Clip, and Blackmail Fetish Freaks Everywhere – Another Free Clip. This freak hasn’t messaged Me in MONTHS. Last I heard, he was going to therapy to be cured of his addiction Dom Mal and Myself. Of course, We both told him that THAT wouldn’t last, and look how right We were (as always!). This freak emailed Me last night and told Me how weak he was feeling, how his therapy wasn’t working, and how he had been fapping to My clips, My blog, and My twitter all week lol. This freak went to a real time Mistress in Cali (where he lives) who he paid to degrade him for trying to escape Us… I have  GREAT picture of him kneeling in a hood on her carpet, but he paid Me $100 last night, so I won’t be posting it…. For now…. ;3 I love it when a loser comes crawling back to Me…

—Tribute Me!—

Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $50Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $100Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $500Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $1000

—Buy My Fetish Clips!—


—Connect With Me—

Financial Domination Mistress Kiara Femdom NiteFlirt

Main Website: Financial Domination Princess Kiara

Serve Me and My Friends: Pretty Punk Princesses

Amazon wish list:

Follow me on Twitter:@TheDominaKiara@TheDominaKiara


Blackmail Fetish is NOT a Game!

blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara

blackmail slave james property of blackmail Mistress Kiara

I don’t have time for a full update today, but please welcome once again loser james to the front page of My blog. he seems to delight in pissing Me off enough to get his stupid pics posted here. This time, however, it’s going to be $100 to remove this hilarious new pic of him in panties, and another $75 for this new little bit of blackmail information – his phone number: REMOVED for $150 tribute plus a new pic LOL!

Give him a call, Ladies and losers! And be sure to give him ALL of the degradation he so desperately deserves… Maybe THEN he’ll realize that blackmail fetish is NOT a game with Me…

Summer Vacations and a Free Pay Pork Apology Clip

So I’ve decided that this summer I will take ALL the vacations! I’ve got myself scheduled out until Halloween with traveling to different states, so there’s no time like the present to schedule a real time session with your Goddess! On the list this summer are Columbus, Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, Toldeo, Minneapolis, and a few others I haven’t decided on yet. If you’re in or able to travel to any of those cities, send Me an email at dominakiara(AT) and I’ll let you know my availability.

blackmail fetish loser pay pig of Mistress Kiara

Some of you will remember this pathetic pay porker from My other blog posts, Busy Week for the Goddess and Blackmail Fetish Freaks Everywhere – Another Free Clip, but My pork-on-a-leash is still around and whining, and fucking up. This week, he pestered his God (That’d be ME, by the way) to no end, whining about how I went out of town on vacation (using up his pathetic little tributes and then some, of course) with his other god, Mistress Mal. he also went to a party, met a girl who was (for some fucked up reason) willing to take him home and try to ride his tiny 4.5 inch cock, but he couldn’t even get hard because he’s so addicted to being a worthless slab of pay pork LOL!  his punishment for whining and basically being a fuck up in every way was to send Us something to smile about and laugh at – him apologizing for being a dumbfuck, on his knees in a video. The pic above was just a bonus lol… And as an added bonus to Us, he now owes $50 to get it removed, along with another $500 for the clip below, $50 from the pic in the last post, and the remaining $200 to remove the video of him sucking tranny cock in the post before that. Lucky for you, pay pork, you just got a second job, right? Well consider paying US your third!

blackmail fetish loser pay pig of Mistress Kiara

So when 7:30 rolled around and I hadn’t posted this blog yet, loser pay pork douchester thought he was off the hook. he messaged Me celebrating about how he’d dodged a bullet, which pissed Me off. Let’s get something straight, and this goes for ALL of you freaks out there who come to Me to serve Me… I have a way of doing things which does NOT involve you, your thoughts, your wants, your desires, or ANYthing involving you. Except your money of course lol. I don’t post blogs until later in the day because most of My good pay sluts have jobs, families, wives, etc, and posting a blog while they’re at work or out to eat just doesn’t make much sense, does it? So here’s a thought, if you’re going to assume anything, assume that your Goddess knows better than you. For fucking up, AGAIN, I made him stroke at his new job to the paypal receipt from his most recent tribute, which he later informed Me meant that he wouldn’t be able to afford to take the train home lol!

Busy Week for the Goddess!

Hey freaks! It’s been a busy week and a half for your Goddess! Not only have I completely brainwashed loser douchester (formerly loser louise from the post on Blackmail Fetish Freaks Everywhere!), but I also put a blue balled bitch in chastity, made a new ‘owned’ image for My boys to use as their profile pictures on any social media sites they’re on, finished a 12-win run at Hearthstone arena, got a sexy new corset from another blackmailed loser, and found, edited, and released a new clip. I did this all while taking calls on Niteflirt, playing around on social media, and generally just being awesome at everything. Go on, thank Me for how amazing your Goddess is, and be sure to bow down and worship Me like a good boy…


Firstly, you all have a new clip to buy! I found this clip while going through files on My old laptop. It’s a silly little clip of Me with the hiccups. But who cares? you’re so addicted, I know that you’re still gonna buy it and stroke to it LOL!

mistress kiara femdom hiccup fetish

“I found this silly clip while going through files from My old laptop. I know some of you have some weird fetishes, and hiccups is definitely one of them! I took this clip spur of the moment when I came home from shopping with Mistress Malvasia and I suddenly got the hiccups. Watch My sexy tits jiggle with each hiccup lol. you fucking weirdo!”

Ppal/Amazon: contact Me Mistress Kiara iwantclips Fetish Clips


On to this week’s most memorable freaks! Let’s start with douchester, or kiaras_puppet on Twitter. This freak has been amusing Me for a bit over 6 months now. It all started when he approached Me for blackmail fetish, thinking I wouldn’t immediately out him the second he stopped paying. This peanut-brained dumbfuck actually thought that he could put one over on Me. Oh how wrong he was! Since then, he’s been completely brainwashed into begging Me to tribute his fetish Goddess (and thanking Me for the privilege), buying and stroking to pics of My boyfriend’s huge dick, making a twitter dedicated to Me, and sending Me even MORE hilarious pics and blackmail information to dig himself even deeper! Oh, and to top it all off, here’s a hilarious picture of his tiny little loser dicklet when he wanked it at his friend’s wedding because I called him and told him to. loser douchester then begged Me to put up here so that he could pay $50 to get it removed like he did all of the ones from My last blog post about him, LOL!

Of course, there’s still this clip, which he needs to pay $500 $250 more to get removed… Better start working overtime, deadbeat! you’re older than Me and STILL working a minimum wage job!? How pathetic can you get!?

Speaking of twitter, here’s a quick little image I made for all of My boys to post as their twitter, Facebook, and profile image. In fact, you should post this pic anywhere you have a profile, including online forums and anywhere else freaks like you hang out on the internet lol

Next on My list is My blue balls lover. he had served Me before, but medical issues prevented him from serving Me for quite some time. Now that he has a clean bill of health, though, he wanted to jump right back into the chastity device for My amusement! Only problem is, he can’t even get hard without Viagra LOL! So of course, being the benevolent BITCH that I am, I made him take some and NOT stroke before locking himself in his chastity device for Me LOL! Here are some pics of him whacking his tiny little pee pee and locking it up! How long do you think he can last?

tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara  tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiaratiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiaratiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara   tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara  tiny dick chastity blackmail slave for key holding Mistress Kiara

Lastly, I had some MAJOR fucking fun this week! As you all probably know, your Goddess is a sexy gamer geek. Well I took some of My tributes this week and decided to dedicate them to getting super awesome at Hearthstone, a fairly popular Blizzard game. I played an arena on Monday and got 12 wins, which is as far as you can go in arena. To put that in perspective, any descent player has about a 1.62% chance to win 12 runs in arena. Each arena run costs $2.00, and I’ve been playing for over a year and this is My first time completing an arena run with 12 wins! That’s probably more money than you freaks have even SEEN in that time period LOL! Be sure to send lots of juicy tributes and let your addiction to Me fuel My addiction to Hearthstone LOL!

Sexy Gamer Mistress Geek Princess Kiara Hearthstone Arena


Until next time, freaks…

—Tribute Me!—

Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $50Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $100Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $500Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $1000

—Buy My Fetish Clips!—


—Connect With Me—

Financial Domination Mistress Kiara Femdom NiteFlirt

Main Website: Financial Domination Princess Kiara

Serve Me and My Friends: Pretty Punk Princesses

Amazon wish list:

Follow me on Twitter:@TheDominaKiara@TheDominaKiara


New bathing voyeur clip and an old freak comes out to play

It’s been a busy first week back for your Princess. I guess the internet has missed Perfection in My absence! First of all, here are this week’s paypal-only tributes. Keep in mind this isn’t counting cash, niteflirt, or amazon. And I gotta say, it’s WAY too damn low… you freaks need to WORK HARDER for your Goddess!

Financial Domination Mistress Findom Princess

Second, I’m back on the clips scene with this new clip! Here’s the preview:


“This hot new clip features Mistress Malvasia and I in the bath! We locked up a subby in Our basement, but he escaped and took a video of Us bathing in our amazing jacuzzi tub. Can you handle 10 whole minutes of watching your Perfect Princesses in the bath?”

Ppal/Amazon/Venmo iwantclips
$10.00 Mistress Kiara femdom fetish clip voyeur bath Mistress Kiara femdom fetish clip voyeur bath Mistress Kiara femdom fetish clip voyeur bath


So be sure to buy and rate the clip via your favorite payment method, freak. Now on to the freak who cam crawling back to Me this week…

loser shitstain loser thomas is so completely addicted to Me. thomas served Me several years ago on cam just once. I got these hilarious pics of him in a diaper, pissing on his own face, measuring his tiny excuse for a dick, and using his own shit like clown makeup. This guy is a fucked up naughty loser, don’t you agree? But he demonstrates a wonderful point – all it takes is one time contacting Me and you will be completely addicted to Me…

blackmail scat sph slave thomas property of blackmail Mistress Kiara


So that pic is old news, but THIS is new:


I have PLENTY of blackmail information on thomas, including his last name, address, several pics of him at a hilarious hotel party sucking cock, wearing panties and bras and thigh highs and drinking wine…. LOL! If he doesn’t keep Me happy, I will have to share them all with the world. That means you, thomas… you don’t want a repeat of last time, do you…? Until next time, freaks…

ETA: thomas just begged Me and tributed to post his last name – thomas thurston – and some more hilarious blackmail pics of him… Enjoy!

blackmail sissy feminized slave thomas thurston property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail cock sucking slave thomas thurston property of blackmail Mistress Kiara blackmail golden shower sph slave thomas thurston property of blackmail Mistress Kiara


—Tribute Me!—

Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $50Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $100Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $500Tribute Financial Domination Princess Kiara $1000

—Buy My Fetish Clips!—


—Connect With Me—

Financial Domination Mistress Kiara Femdom NiteFlirt

Main Website: Financial Domination Princess Kiara

Serve Me and My Friends: Pretty Punk Princesses

Amazon wish list:

Follow me on Twitter:!/DominaKiara


Hypnodomme, femdom witch, real blackmail Mistress, humiliation expert, forced intoxication, foot worship, sissy training, cbt punishment, brutal sph, chastity & key holding, beat down, corporal punishment, bondage, financial domination, & anything that involves Me over you


Follow Me, puppet... I know you can't resist.